The Fourth of July (Independence Day) celebration is often associated with barbecues and fireworks. With the current pandemic affecting how we communicate and celebrate, how will this year's celebration differ? While some may choose to hold virtual celebrations and small gatherings with only immediate family, there might be some other ways to celebrate the U.S.A. this July Fourth holiday. Here are various new activities you can include in your traditions this year: from learning more about American history, to being more active in your community.
Expand your knowledge:
Explore and discuss documents like the Bill of Rights in the National Archives.
See a list of top-rated American History books.
Diversify reading materials with an inclusive reading list.
Read about Flag Day and the history of the U.S. flag.
Learn how to educate others on being a better citizen, from a teacher perspective.
Increase your civic engagement:
See a bucket list including 76 things you can do to boost your civic engagement.
Check your Voter Registration.
